Friday, November 29, 2019

Marriage Asylum Essays - Family, Marriage, Gender,

Marriage Asylum It is my belief that the institution of marriage is a sham, designed by pious Christain fanatics in order to subjugate, control, and furthermore oppress a woman's personal liberties, intellectual freedoms and artistic development. It is also my belief that much in the way of the institution of marriage has not changed since its barbaric origin hundreds of years ago. In light of the enormous rate of divorce, marriage should be banned or at least have greater restrictions placed on the eligibility of matrimonial covenants. Such restrictions would include, but not limited to, communication training, household budgeting classes and psychological counseling for a period of no less than one year. Such matrimonial courses would be designed to make the transition into marriage easier. If marriage has to continue, then let us concede intellectually that the institution of marriage is seriously flawed and deserves a second look at revising some long held principles. It is also my opinion that marriage deserves equal treatment and the same consideration as training for a future profession would. Is it not ironic, that people spend year's attending college or on vocational training in order to prepare themselves for a careers which, will in all likelihood change many times over their lives. I demand that people open their eyes and realize it is just as important to prepare for a successful marriage as it is a successful career. Today, marital classes are not a standard prerequisite to marriage except in a few Christian faith organizations such as Lutheran and Catholic. Something is seriously awry with the institute of marriage when large populations of adults are experiencing one, two even three or more marriages. In this paper, let us explore together whether the sanctity of marriage is actually worthy of being saved. Let us ask ourselves some rather poignant questions. Why it was necessary for the institute of marriage to be established in the first place? What are the b enefits of marriage and who benefits from them the most? Lastly, I will try and persuade you to believe the institution of marriage should be permanently dissolved or at least reconfigured. As long as chastity is held in high regard, marriage will always be considered a noble institution. What a damnable lie! It is supremely sexist to expect women, of 'exceptional breeding' to remain chaste. From the beginning of time women have been looked down upon as frailer, weaker and a less intelligent sex, which men controlled and subjugated. Because of the disproportionate number of white men, which dominates and governed our society, laws have been created to protect men and the non-interference of law into domestic issues. Men of importance and prestige instilled in our society sexist ideas and practices that chastise women and are unfair. Men have always been promiscuous species and it's widely known and still considered somewhat true of women today that have multiple sex partners are labeled sluts or whores, but men can have as many partners as he wants without being stigmatized by his many rendezvous. The idea of women remaining chaste until marriage is simply a hypocritica l double standard! The idea of marriage was thought up by Christain priests in the eleventh century that believed women should remain chaste. Before marriage became the great institution it is known for today, it had more informal beginnings. Before the eleventh century, it was no more that an informal agreement witnessed and performed by local church officials on the steps of the church. In the eleventh century, marriage was not devised for the sole purpose of procreation. It was instead intended to legitimize fornication within the confines of a marriage and forbidden outside the sacred covenant of the institution by the Church. It a popular and accurate belief at the time by Church officials that abstinence could protect society against lascivious behavior, promiscuity and the proliferation of illegitimate children within society. It was therefore the church and not society, which would set the standard for what was deemed normal behavior. In contrast, because society developed God considered a stan dard or measure for what normal and by the laws of nature, it could then be used to ostracize those who were deemed inappropriate by exhibiting aberrant

Monday, November 25, 2019

the best years of our lives essays

the best years of our lives essays The Best Years of Our Lives aims to draw people ¡Ã‚ ¯s attention towards the efforts made by those World War II veterans to reintegrate themselves into the civilian society and the difficulties confronting them during that process. Thanks to William Wyler ¡Ã‚ ¯s subtlety and delicate touch, this film successfully defines the sensitive problems facing veterans: unemployment, ostracism, alcoholism. Furthermore, this film pulls no punches in telling an important story that many would have stayed away fromD the effects of war on the people. The very first difficulty is unemployment, best exemplified by Fred ¡Ã‚ ¯s experience. The post-war era sees a readjustment of orientation towards the civilian life. The enormous government spending is cut and job opportunities shrink. Without appropriate skills, veterans can not compete with other civilians in the struggle for the shrinking pie of job opportunity. They can not even get across the threshold of society, let alone integrate themselves into it. Through the loan program Al is in charge of, the film reflects the reality that the government is taking some measures to help veterans begin a new life, such as easing restrictions for college. But such efforts are far from enough. Fred ¡Ã‚ ¯s experience in the place full of old planes suggests that nobody but veterans can save themselves. In addition to unemployment, estrangement from their family members and misunderstanding of the civilian people leave them with an unequivocal sense of ostracism. The feeling of being m arginalized by the society exists throughout the whole movie, best represented in the beginning when three men unexpectedly gather at the Butcher ¡Ã‚ ¯s bar after they return home. The cruel reality shatters their dreams. Alcoholism turns out to be a by-product of disillusion and that sense of ostracism, even becoming a barrier between them and their family members. It is pretty daring for Wyler to treat alcoho ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Article Review The Teenage Brain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article Review The Teenage Brain - Essay Example Casey. Ben Luna stated that an adolescent brain acts like an adult brain by overusing the frontal lobe. The onset of adulthood is associated with the integration of frontal lobes with other areas of the brain and myelination is just part of the process. Meanwhile, the US National Institute for Mental Health argue with the studies stating that brain size, folding, and regional specialization started at age 12; instead, the institute indicate that an adolescent brain has a long way to reach the adulthood. Jay Giedd of the National Institute for Mental Health found out that grey mater thickens in childhood and thins from back to front during the early adulthood. This process completes early in girls and Giedd explained that it was probably the reason why girls mature early than boys. Giedd thought that the thinning of the grey mater is due to the synaptic pruning and that more environmental guidance will be better for the adolescent’s behavior. Elizabeth Sowell warns other researchers like Giedd against making direct connections between brain changes and specific teen behaviors as there are no supportive data to prove the assumptions. Tomà ¡Ã… ¡ Paus agree with Sowell in not treating brain-behavior relationship as a one-way street but also agree with Giedd that brain maturity continues beyond the first 3-5 years of life. George Bartzokis stated that as grey mater thins, the white mater gains with layers of insulating myelin with the maximum myelination responsible for the wisdom an adult has. Abigail Baird and Greg Bennett relate gained of white mater to the ability to empathize and B.J. Casey that the amount of reward distinguish the strong nucleus reaction of the brain seen among children or adolescents (Powell, 2006, 865-867). The article describes the parts of nervous system such as the brain –thefrontal lobes, brain cells, white mater, grey mater, myelin

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ghadafi and Libya essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ghadafi and Libya - Essay Example The Egyptian conflict was the first example where the protestors of the country fought for justice and freedom and forced their leader, Hosni Mubarak to resign. These protests were followed in other countries where the citizens wished to revolutionize their countries and attain liberal governments that would fulfill their demands and recognize the importance of... the citizens of the country. The most prominent amongst these is the Libyan Conflict which began in the month of February in the year 2011. The conflict is still in progress and rebels have taken to the streets to force the step down of their leader Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi who has been in power since almost 42 years. Qaddafi has not given up and does not intend to give in to the demands of the people and has resorted to severe measures which include oppression and killings of the masses. The conflict has met with criticism from international countries and allies of Libya have also requested Qaddafi to step down and abide by the wants and wishes of the people (Libya — Protests and Revolt 2011). Libya is an Arab nation which is located on the map in North Africa. The country like many other Arab countries contains very high reservoirs of oil. The country has been under the rule of Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi from the year 1969 who has proved to be a very strict and harsh ruler for the country. Qaddafi has always been a ruler who has followed the policy of dictatorship and has tried to keep all the powers of authority in his hands. Qaddafi is an intelligent man who has used all his powers to keep the country divided so that there could be no united strong appraisal against his oppressions. He did not create any strong national organizations and at the same time, he also did not form a nationalized army so that no revolt to overthrow him could be very strong. He has been criticized on the international level owing to his oppressive acts which have resulted in the expulsion of Libya as a member fr om the United Nations Security Council. There was an internal unrest in the country but the actual conflict resulted due to the wave of revolution that started in the neighboring countries of Egypt and Tunisia and led to the freedom of these countries. It was followed by the Libyans who started their revolt against the government and initiated a mass protest demanding the resignation of their leader (Fahim et al 2011; Libya — Protests and Revolt 2011). The revolt against the government started in the city of Benghazi and spread across the country and rebels were seen to be operating in different cities of Libya against the four decade old rule. It was expected by many that Qaddafi would opt for resignation but these hopes vanished when he chose for fighting against the people of his own country. He used threatening and derogatory remarks against the rebels terming them as â€Å"cockroaches† in his speech and threatened to kill all of them. It seemed that the revolt wou ld not last long and the protesters would be crushed but international intervention and military assistance and strikes from the United States and United Kingdom in the month of March served to increase the revolt and the side of the rebels became stronger again. The NATO forces also came to the assistance of the rebels and assisted them to fight back the forces of Colonel

Monday, November 18, 2019

Disease process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Disease process - Essay Example It has been noted that diabetes mellitus is a major cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) which will include congestive heart failure, coronary heart diseases, peripheral artery disease, cardiomyopathy and stroke. The risk of coronary artery diseases and congestive heart failure is relatively high in persons diagnosed with diabetes than in those without. Risk is also increased in patients who suffer from hypertension and dyslipidaemia or in those who smoke cigarettes and use alcohol. People with diabetes have frequent occurrences of hypertension which is a major risk factor for getting a cardiovascular disease. Diabetes mellitus also causes urinary incontinence which is a common problem encountered. It is a indication of primary malfunction of the urinary bladder and urethra that basically causes the patient to pass urine at the wrong place at the wrong time. It causes weakened urethra muscles that will render the patient helpless in controlling their own urine passing. Another urin ary incontinence caused by diabetes mellitus is neurogenic bladder which is also called cystopathy. It is reflected as a form of autonomic neuropathy which begins with the damage of the autonomic afferent nerves therefore leaving the motor function unbroken and undamaged but damaging the awareness of bladder fullness which will consequently result in diminished urinary regularity. It is therefore evident that diabetes disrupts the loops for regulation of micturition which will vastly affect the patient’s urinary system by causing urinary dysfunctions of different levels. Studies have also shown that patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease also have diabetes. It is not evident whether diabetes is a major risk factor in contracting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease but it has shown that patients who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will be at a major risk of getting diabetes than those without. The co-existence of these two diseases will put the patient at a high risk of mortality due to inflammation and exacerbation of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This is also heightened to individuals who smoke cigarettes and use alcohol. Diabetes mellitus is also a major cause of hyperglycaemia which is linked to impaired lung function therefore negatively affecting the patient’s respiratory system. Diabetes is also a major factor in integumentary system diseases. Diabetes can leave the skin of a patient predisposed to bacterial and fungal infections. It will affect blood vessels that cause the skin to appear like it has scaly rough patches of skin which usually located on the front part of the patient’s legs. Other integumentary diseases are such as atherosclerosis where the blood vessels of the patient are narrowed which will cause the skin to be hairless and also makes it appear shiny. Diabetes will also cause acanthosis nigricans which is a skin disorder that create a black or brown, dark, thick, poorly d efined, velvety hyperpigmentation of the skin which is normally found on the folds for instance in the armpits, groin area and folds of the neck. The skin darkening is also evident in the joints of the fingers and toes. Due to the lack of insulin experienced in diabetes mellitus, a patient suffering from diabetes mellitus will be at a higher risk of contracting acanthosis nigricans. Diabetes mellitus also causes damage in nerves which will create a symptom called neuropathy.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

ABSOLUT Vodka: SWOT, BCG Matrix and Strategy Analysis

ABSOLUT Vodka: SWOT, BCG Matrix and Strategy Analysis Executive Summary Pernod Ricard acquired ABSOLUT vodka from the Swedish government in October 2008. With considerable 13.45% CAGR growth in vodka segment among the spirit market, vodka is the place to concentrate resources. The strategies are aimed to create demand from consumers (pull strategy) and encourage outlets to sell ABSOLUT vodka products (push strategy) by utilising customer relationship management (CRM) and below the line event marketing. The proposed plan has objectives of increasing volume sales growth rate to 16 18% year-on-year with constant sale price, maintaining and attempting to increase gross profit margin above 50% and net profit margin above 20% and reach 2.92% market share within spirit market by 2010 through creating competitive advantage from entering a comprehensive CRM and below the line marketing programme that no other vodka brands in Australia have done before. Plan is recommended to be executed on January 2009 or as soon as Pernod Ricard Pacific has total control of ABSOLUT vodka. The ABSOLUT launch event should commence during the first quarter of 2009 with series of advertising schemes and customer base building happening throughout the year. Major events are scheduled towards the end of the year. Total marketing expenses budget for 2009 is AU$6.5mil. Company Background Pernod Ricard holds the most prestigious brand portfolios in the sector: ABSOLUT Vodka, Ricard pastis, Ballantines, Chivas Regal, The Glenlivet Single Malt, Jamesons Irish Whiskey, Martell Cognac, Havana Club Rum, Beefeater Gin, Kahlà ºa and Malibu liqueurs, Mumm and Perrier-Jouà «t champagnes, as well as Jacobs Creek and Montana wines. During the middle of this year, Pernod Ricard announced â‚ ¬5.626 billion takeover of VS Group from the Swedish government. In addition, during October 2008, Pernod Ricard will pay Maxxium a fee of â‚ ¬59 million to terminate Maxxiums worldwide distribution right of ABSOLUT Vodka. ABSOLUT is anticipated to fit perfectly with Pernod Ricards strategy and further enhances the strength of its premium brands portfolio. It will however have to put an end to a distribution agreement for Russian vodkas Stolichnaya. Pernod Ricards performance in Australia and New Zealand reported limited full-year growth, with a recovery in first half of 2008 following the slowdown caused by the strong price increases. Nevertheless, it seems like the consumer continues to reward herself or himself even in less good times. (Pernod Ricard Press Release, 2008). With ABSOLUT as an upcoming flagship brand in this extremely lucrative vodka market, this is an opportunity for Pernod Ricard to utilise the strong distribution network, the worldwide collection of brand management skills and decentralised corporate structure to produce profits and enhance brand equity for the corporation. Current product marketing situation Product ABSOLUT Vodka is the premium vodka with natural flavour receiving from winter wheat and pure water. ABSOLUT is produced through a continuous distillation providing drinkers with a smooth and rich grain character. Differentiating from others, ABSOLUT Vodka is a product of creativeness and strict labour. Based on the concept of bottled at source, ABSOLUT offers the consistent taste when being enjoyed all over the world. Every drop of ABSOLUT is produced in Ahus, southern Sweden where provides premium materials. The winter wheat which grows naturally from surrounding fields has been proven to be the best materials for vodka since centuries. No fertilizer, pesticide would be allowed. The water taken from deep wells is unreachable by pollution and impurities. The revolutionary distilling method called continuous process which distils ABSOLUT Vodka hundreds of times gives it to the point of perfection. The unique taste and superior quality of ABSOLUT Vodka directs to drinkers who look for top-class quality product. Not limit to improving quality, ABSOLUT Vodka also have a wide range of flavors which satisfy various tastes. All the ingredients and flavourings are completely from nature, no sugar is added to any of them. ABSOLUT Vodka broaden up to 12 types, namely ABSOLUT Vodka, ABSOLUT Peppar, ABSOLUT Citron, ABSOLUT Kurant, ABSOLUT Mandrin, ABSOLUT Vanilla, ABSOLUT Raspberri, ABSOLUT Apeach, ABSOLUT Ruby Red, ABSOLUT Pears, ABSOLUT 100, ABSOLUT Mango. This innovation not only favours different of drinkers styles but also excites them with a wide range of choices from nature. Besides the diversification, ABSOLUT Vodka delivers messages of arts when enjoying. With the traditional bottle shape which is similar to the medicine bottles in Sweden for 250 years ago, ABSOLUT Vodka sends a historical, cultural value to consumers. All the inspiration shown unrestrictedly on the bottle makes it become an ad itself. The brand value of clarity, simplicity and perfection are visible on the bottle. With ABSOLUT Vodka, the consumers not only simply drink vodka but also enjoy value of culture and arts. Product Analysis ABSOLUT vodka is a product that compliments social functions. Its unique taste, quality, style, popularity and associated icons provide a distinct product positioning. Vodka of a premium grade falls into shopping goods with lots of comparisons between the brands. Competition for shelf space position in the liquor shop is intense. ABSOLUTs strong brand has long been associated with creative print media advertising. This has also established a strong relationship with media, public, and customer groups such as young designers through submit your ABSOLUT ad campaign. Market Analysis Consumer Expenditure and Lifestyle The nominal amount of consumer expenditure on alcoholic beverages and tobacco has always been on an increasing trend. The forecast from 2005 figure onwards to 2015 shows a compound annual growth rate of 13.3% per 5 years. In 2005, Australia was the 23rd largest alcohol consumption nation in the world. In todays alcoholic beverages market, the two most popular drinks are wine and flavoured alcoholic beverages (FABs). The high growth of alcoholic beverages consumption has been largely accounted for by these two drinks with on-trade FABs growth resulted 164.5% and off trade of 146.08% growth being the main market driver. The increase is a result of increasing rate of consumption by young females. According to Euromonitor International, typical Australians like to go out during the weekends with friends to pubs, bars and clubs, especially among the young adults that has not yet started a family. In addition, as the population is experiencing lesser birth rates, people now have more time, greater disposable income and the will to go out and socialise. In addition, to the consumer market, business market such as cafes and bars market is also projected to have a strong growth in terms of number of outlets. It has also been noted by Euromonitor International that higher-end outlets are attracting stronger growth of visitors and will continue into the forecast years, accounting for the higher value growth over transaction growth. It is also noted that This projected growth hinges on the assumption that the Australian economy will continue to remain resilient, allowing consumers to enjoy higher purchasing power to support their expenditure. Alcoholic Beverages Market Size and Trend The board of spirits sales comprises of quite a range of products with mixed results. Most of the segments experienced decline and thus are forecasted with a constant decline. The interesting segment is Tequila with CAGR over 2002 2007 of around 2% per year but the most interesting segment is Vodka with an astounding 13.45% CAGR over the same period. Vodka volume sales are mainly being driven by rising numbers of consumers switching to white spirit (Euromonitor International, 2008). The whiskey segment is becoming increasingly competitive with heavy mass market advertising campaigns of US and Scotch whiskey brands such as Jim Bean and Johnny Walkers. All in all, alcoholic beverages forecast sales growth remains strongly driven by vodka and liqueurs through increase in popularity among younger drinkers and women. On the distribution channel aspect, on-trade volume sales growth will be significantly larger than off-trade volume growth, reflecting the trend of younger consumers drinking at pubs and bars informs of cocktails and pre-mixed bottled drinks. In the flavoured vodka segment, the volume sales rose 5% in 2003 to 7% in 2007 with ABSOLUT flavoured vodka being the leader in this segment. Competitive situation Competition for the spirits market comprises of more than 100 brands in Australian domestic market. The top ten brands have market share of about 51% and ABSOLUT Vodka ranked 11th in the Australian domestic market with 1.7% market share in 2006. The market is very fragmented in this industry with a bulk of market share being held by both international and local businesses bringing ABSOLUT to face with many competitors in the market. However, in 2006, there are three distinctive competitors that between them that hold 25% of the Australian spirits market. ABOSOLUT vodkas position in the spirit market is at a premium grade due to a relatively higher price. Its number one competing vodka brand, Smirnoff, is cheaper in cost thus has a price advantage and makes a more favourable brand for the business market (on-trade). Other competitors are mainly whiskey brands such as Jim Beam and Johnnie Walker. Distribution situation In general, ABSOLUT Vodka distributes to bars, clubs (on-trade) and other liquor shops (off-trade). It is generally accepted that consumers often attend the clubs on Friday and Saturday night or special events like parties such as dance, hip hop, techno parties etc. Therefore, access to ABSOLUT is very easy for consumers. In addition, ABSOLUT also distributes to liquor shops around Australia. Although it is true that most of consumers attend clubs every week, another group of consumers are still likely to consume at their homes so this channel still make the volume of sales to the company. The newest channel is on an internet which has no boundaries. There are many websites which sell and provide information on ABSOLUT products, for instance, Normally online prices are relatively cheaper than bars, clubs and liquor shops. However for the online channel, consumers need to order in bulk or sufficient quantities in order to receive free services such as a free delivery or discount promotions, otherwise they will be charged for delivery fee, making the purchase unattractive. Technological advancing like internet helps to expand the distribution channel for ABSOLUT. It is much easier than the past for consumers whom live in the rural areas or far away from bars, clubs and liquor shops that offer ABSOLUT. As a result of this, regional will not be an obstacle anymore. Macro-environment situation Economic Structure Demographic Income As a strong economy with low unemployment, personal disposable income in Australia has increased substantially over 1990-2005 periods. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) stated that the averages growth in employees wages between 2004 and 2005 was 4.8%. The minimum wage in Australia in 2005 was $484 a week which is around $12.75 per hour. However, Australians are forecast to have a little rise in disposable income in 2015 than they did in 1990 with 77% of gross income in 2015 compared to 75% in 1990 in current term. This would be an increase of just over 38% in current term. Disposable income as a percentage of gross income in 2005 was 76.6% Age Structure According to the Euromonitor International from national statistics and U.N. on 2 June 2006 stated that The median age of the Australian population has increased significantly over the 1990 2005 period, from 32.1 in 1990 to 36.6 in 2005. This increase will continue into the future with an estimated median age of almost 40 in 2015. The death rate per 1,000 inhabitants has decreased, from 7 in 1990 to 6.7 in 2005 and is expected to continue falling into the future as people most probably will live longer due to better medical care and healthier lifestyles. The age groups between 0 and 19 are all expected to decrease or stay close to the same level, as birth rates in Australia are relatively lower. Technological Due to technological change from the past, Australian consumers can also order alcohol online which include free delivery if order exceeds minimum quantity requirement. The technological advances lead to a growing industry of alcohol. Political/Legal Under The Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC), advertisements for alcohol beverages must present a balanced and responsible approach to alcohol consumption and must not have a strong or evident appeal to children or adolescents. The Complaints Adjudication Panel will assess any complaints about alcohol advertisements to ensure unbiased interpretation of the code and independent adjudication on any complaint. Complaints regarding content of alcohol advertisements considered offensive may be directed to the Advertising Standards Boards national office in Canberra. Key aspects of the Liquor Licensing Act The Licences to sell alcohol are only granted to applicants who can demonstrate to the Liquor Gambling Commissioner that: they have the knowledge, skills and experience to handle the sale of liquor in an appropriate manner liquor will not be sold or consumed in a manner that is likely to adversely affect the amenity of the locality or is otherwise against the public interest they are a fit and proper person to be licensed the premises are suitable to be licensed for the purpose sought and all necessary approvals, including development and building approvals, have been obtained A person who sells liquor without being licensed to do so under the Liquor Licensing Act is guilty of an offence and is liable to a penalty of $20 000. To sell is broadly defined and includes barter and situations such as: an offer of a free bottle of whisky if a person buys a camera a community group which charges an entrance fee to an event and then provides alcohol (in this case a limited licence is required) Socio-culture Australia traditionally has quite high level of alcohol consumption compared to other countries, but perhaps due to an ageing population and intense campaigning by federal and state government, levels are falling. As well as people often consume alcohol in the parties and festivals. This implied that alcohol consumption habit has become Australians culture. SWOT analysis Strengths Market leader in flavoured vodka segment Offering 12 different flavoured vodka Unique tastes with superior quality World class reputation Prestigious and easily recognisable brand with long history Established brand communication and positioning Attractive packaging makes ABSOLUT and ideal product for display Strong company-owned distribution network in the region Distinctive Image of ABSOLUT make consumers looks in trend Online bottle shop, which reduce regional boundaries High social value Weaknesses Most of clubs show ABSOLUT Vodka in the front of bar but when the consumers order ABSOLUT Vodka, sometimes they use the other cheaper vodkas to make drinks for consumers. This problem affects ABSOLUT Vodkas sale volume. Premium brand may impact on buying decision for low-income consumers Usage occasion of vodka, much like any other alcoholic drinks, usually happeneds at night and in private premises Limited access to other corporate owned bars and clubs Off-trade sales happens at selected premises in accordance to the law Mainly appeal to younger generations Opportunities Vodka is experiencing the strongest growth in consumption The number of pubs and bars continually increasing Australia is attracting numerous international students from asia region Most of them have already tried ABSOLUT in their countries. Therefore, they tend to consume ABSOLUT as their first preference, while they are in Australia. This is because ABSOLUT have established brand positioning in their minds Increasing alcohol consumption and greater experimentation by female consumers Alcohol and tobacco consumption is expected to increase in Australia by 15.5% from 2005 2010 Vodka recorded the fastest growth of 10% in volume and 13% in current value terms in 2007 with a CAGR of 13.45% over the period. Bitters consumers are switching to consume white spirits such as vodka due to a plan to ban high alcohol content drink shots from pubs in Sydney. On-trade sales will be the key distribution channel in the future due to increasing trends of younger generations and females going out to bars and clubs Threats Competitor expanding into flavoured vodka segment Significant risks for industry Alcohol abuse Climate impacting and other emissions into the air and water have some impact on the environment, from agriculture where the raw material are produced Increases in alcohol duties and regulations with increased concerns over the health affects of alcohol government legislation to prevent this could hit sales potential Increasing wine consumption in Australia which is one of many subsitute products of vodka, whist beer remains the main drink consumed at pubs. National Alcohol Strategy 2006-2009 aim to reduce alcohol consumption and raise issues concerning the following which could slow the alcohol industry growth rate: Intoxication Public safety and amenity Health impacts Cultural place and availability Objectives Financial objectives Increase volume sales growth rate to 16 18% year-on-year with constant sale price Maintain and attempt to increase gross profit margin above 50% and net profit margin above 20% Marketing objectives Increase consumer demand for ABSOLUT vodka via creating an ABSOLUT culture Increase on-trade sales for ABSOLUT vodka Increase market share to 2.92% by 2010 and become the top 7 selling spirit brand in Australia. Target Market From the above data and analysis, we have identified 2 target markets, a target consumer market and a target business market. Consumer market For the consumer market, we have selected the target market for ABSOLUT Vodka as follows: Age: 18 30 Gender: Male and Female Income: High income, approximately AU$80,000 per year or above. Marital Status: Single Lifestyle Interests: Socialistic, Music, Fashion and Arts Location: Sydney and Melbourne The above target market is the largest market segment of consumers that consumes ABSOLUT vodka. This target market would tend to consume vodka at bars and clubs in the form of pre-mixed bottled drinks, cocktails and shots. Lifestyle of this segment from the market data, given their high income background and marital status, will tend to be to socialise among friends, at an increasing rate. Their individual interests can be associated self expression tools such as music, fashion and arts icon. With the mentioned lifestyle and interests, this segment will tend to search for premium products that do not offer just the product, but a favourable experience associated from the purchase of the product, i.e. value seeking customers. The majority of the consumers that matches the target market profile tend to live in the large cities, our target cities will be the cities Sydney (Phase 1) and Melbourne (Phase 2). The needs and wants of this target market are to socialise and self express through their lifestyle and interests. Business Market The target market for ABSOLUT vodka in the business market will correspond to bar and clubs that appeal to the target consumers. The increasing number of bars and clubs correspond to an increasing opportunity to increase outlets in which ABSOLUT should capture. Target market for ABSOLUT vodka is as follows: Location: CBD of Sydney e.g. Darling Habour and George Street; and Melbourne Size: Bars 200 at least people capacity and above Clubs 1,000 people capacity and above Grade: Premium The bars and clubs belonged to this segment tend to be located within the CBD of the major cities. Their day to day operation would be of a busy nature on the weekend with long and exclusive guest lists. In addition, these clubs tend to be targeting high-end consumers with similar target market to our brand and consequently will have to be of a premium nature to satisfy such market. The needs and wants of this target market is to profit maximise and maintain the quality perceived in the views of their target market. ABSOLUT Strategy BCG Matrix Analyses Based on the BCG model, ABSOLUT is a question mark due to high growth vodka market in Australia which is 13.45% compounded annually from 2002 to 2007 (Source: Euromonitor) where as ABSOLUT is the second place leader after Smirnoff with a market share around 14.77% in 2006 within top 8 vodka brands (Source: Euromonitor), and a 1.7% market share within the Spirit Market. This BU has a potential to become a star. Our strategies will combine efforts to push it to be a star by using combination of marketing strategies. As a result of this, we expect to see a dramatic rise in sales and profit for ABSOLUT vodka. However, a large marketing budget must be applied to achieve marketing objects. Proposal In todays competitive environment, differentiation and loyalty creation is the key to success in which we base our strategies on. The values placed on our products by consumers segment being the experience and the value placed by business segment being profit maximisation matched with our strategies. Corresponding to our marketing objectives, in order to increase market share and turn ABSOLUT to a star, a market penetration strategy targeting consumers and business customers will be employed to create ABSOLUT culture via on-trade sales promotions (below the line). The objective of this strategy is to increase the wants of consumers to consume ABSOLUT and the wants of bars and clubs to sell ABSOLUT. This in return will reflect into increase in financial returns. Marketing Model With intention to persuade customers, our marketing communication will be based on conveying our intention of delivering values through creating events of an ABSOLUT experience. As ABSOLUT vodka is a shopping good, constant communications with target markets must be maintained. The print media channel, although more expensive, it is where our strengths lie. With our distinct advertisement skills as demonstrated in the past with great success, such as ABSOLUT ads, we should utilise this marketing channel and improve the ads to include experience marketing together with product marketing. We will establish a customer database via on-sight registration (CRM) at the events door and on the Australian website which is to be created. The database of information will allow rooms for direct advertisement of ABSOLUT events or news of new product development launch events to the customers either through email or mobile phones, given their consent. The ABSOLUT Australia website will act as a channel for all our target markets to interact with the Company and among themselves through web boards and notices. In addition, the benefits of this model also compliment our viral marketing strategy by utilising the word of mouth channel. These channels of communication above are very effective in creating emotional appeal which will complement our differentiation strategies. The event strategies will act and a short-term promotion tool to create fads. This will also create brand loyalty which will reflect favourably in the long-term. Consumer groups, continuous communications with the customers and securing relationships with the outlets will in the long-term, decrease supply lease cost and increase sales. Customer database is something that has not been created in the past and with this information, many future plans can be developed for long-term beneficiaries. Marketing model highlights our proposed strategies with each strategies integrated to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date consumer database. The consumer database to be created will be one of the key information sources for future developments and as ABSOLUT is a new brand to Pernod Ricard, database about the seller and user of ABSOLUT must be acquired. The model consists of two main approaches; pulls strategies and pushes strategies and is based around creating competitive advantages by offering greater values to both individual and business customers from event marketing. It is a positioning strategy away from competitors into the zone that no other vodka brands in Australia have done before. ABSOLUT Positioning Contemporary and Cosmopolitan: ABSOLUT continually improve brand and product so ABSOLUT product will not be out of date or unfashionable. Artistic: ABSOLUT always design and create the art bottles to respond the customer who need to consume unique experience. Creative brand: ABSOLUT always provide the best and new way to customer. ABSOLUTE Vodka: Finally all positioning from above will be included in our product that provides the greatest value and experience to our customer. Pull Strategies Pull strategies aim to create demand from consumers by heavily focusing on CRM and below the line marketing. CRM plans include direct marketing to consumers via email and mobile phone. ABSOLUTs strength in print media will also be continued as it has been proven to be an effective communication channel. Product and promotion strategies will be continuously utilised, ABSOLUT events are the tools for viral marketing. Viral marketing is backed up by CRM strategy in attempt to reduce post-purchase dissonance. Feedbacks from customers are then recorded into database for the process to start over again on a different occasion, improving effectiveness. Product Strategies Educate consumers about ABSOLUT experience ABSOLUT should provide useful information to our target customers such as the flavours that are available and the drinks that they can have from ABSOLUT to generate the ABSOLUT experience to customers; when they go to bar, they can order the drink with their experience that they really want not just try to order something that they have never tried before. This strategy can and should be employed during promotion events that are exclusively hosted by ABSOLUT and on advertisements on various media channels corresponding to our brand communication strategy. We intend to differentiate ABSOLUT vodka apart from our competitors by offering a unique ABSOLUT style social drinking experience which our target customers needs the most. The already famous packaging and advertising footprint only leaves room for experience to be expanded on. The aim of this strategy is to match ABSOLUT positioning and brand personality to those of the consumers. Associate the consumers with style and class while drinking ABSOLUT. Introduce ABSOLUT cocktails ABSOLUT should try to introduce ABSOLUT name to become a familiar name to customers when they want to order drinks. For example, vodka-soda, the result is bartenders may use other vodka brands to serve them but not ABSOLUT vodka. When we promote ABSOLUT cocktail as a first choice of vodka, the customer will remember this word and next time customers will think about our brand priority and say ABSOLUT-soda when they order spirit drink. This strategy is best conducted during exclusive ABSOLUT event to avoid any conflicts with our competitors. Promotion Strategies Launch the events that creates atmosphere / viral marketing ABSOLUT should launch the events and detail the brands positioning and benefits to attract the target consumers. The events are to be held at selected high-end bars and clubs and selected annual music, fashion and arts event. In addition, ABSOLUT should also take benefits from viral marketing in such that customers will communicate other customers about their perceive value such as taste, positioning, experience, thrills and fun that had risen from consuming ABSOLUT products at the event by word of mouth and so on. This strategy is aim to serve the needs and wants of the target market by giving the target market a place to socialise with style and class. Backed with high spending power, these consumers are value seekers and thus this strategy aims to maximise value by not just providing the product, but provide experience and atmosphere that is most appealing and attractive to the target market. Free gifts and VIP customer registration Our company should provide some gifts for customers that come to join our campaign or order our products at club or liquor shop to increase ABSOLUT brand recognition such as t-shirts and caps and to consumer who register in our event or order ABSOLUT products. These products would act as a mobile advertisement for ABSOLUT, complimenting viral marketing strategy. VIP customer registration is to make the events appeal more exclusive. This is a pure marketing tool to attract registration in order to create a customer database for on-going developments. Customers by registering on-site at the event or on-line will receive a notification of the upcoming events with ability to book an entrance on the guest list. Event broadcast through radio advertising / website / magazine ABSOLUT events should attract as much media exposure as possible to achieve brand recognition and increase participation rate of ABSOLUT events. In addition, with limited resources of bars and clubs to advertise, ABSOLUT brand by advertising the event and the venue information will also assist the targeted bars and clubs in advertising their venue. This strategy is aim to increase number of people attending the clubs along with their sales and thus, the sales of ABSOLUT products. Place Strategies ABSOLUT vodka is most readily available at liquor shop and recognised clubs and bars and will be greatly available once the synergies from Pernod Ricards distribution chain starts to become apparent after the acquisition. Below the line marketing e.g. events, will need to be held at the most appropriate time and places. Such places will need to have a high level of positive awareness and upholds the brands image. Initial phase will be to target the city of Sydney and builds on the success to other major cities such as Melbourne. CRM strategy is a direct marketing strategy through mobile phone and email, thus place will not be an issue. Major events are to be held during summer season. Price Strategies In trying to maintain positioning of an exclusive product, together with many available brands in the market

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Paradise Lost Essay -- Literary Analysis, Bible, Adam and Eve, God

In Milton’s Paradise Lost, before the fall Adam and Eve live in harmony with one another, enjoy the provisions and comforts of nature, and have a direct relationship with God and the angels. Unimpeded with conflict, they live in innocence, working not out of necessity but to make their home beautiful, speaking not to clear up misunderstanding but for the pleasure of it, and anticipating a time when they will rise up to the order of angels and be favoured with a closer communion with God. The fall changes all this. Everything becomes more separated, more differentiated: there grows a distance between Adam and Eve, they can understand each other less and they argue more; nature is no longer harmonious but rather something to be wrestled and toiled with; what was once pleasurable and innocent might now be incontinent and evil; God and the angels no more indulge humankind with friendship and discourse but distance themselves and become almost inaccessible. Adam and Eve, raised on innocence and pleasure alone, have to learn how to live in this new world where nature is mutually incompatible with God. The first thing Adam is taught is how to reason morally. Michael spends a lot of time showing Adam the image of death, lust, greed, disease, and other vices that are now to be a part of his world. When shown the image of lascivious festivities, Adam says â€Å"Much better seems this Vision, and more hope / Of peaceful days portends [†¦] Here Nature seems fulfilled in all her ends† (11.599-602). Adam is accustomed to the pleasures of paradise, and this idyllic scene reminds him of the times he enjoyed feasting with Raphael and sleeping with Eve. He believes that sex, once the pleasing and natural nightly activity, is still to be thought as such.... ...ey are now differentiated and divided. Once they shared in their labours, now they are given different roles; Eve is told to bear children and Adam to work the earth for sustenance. Adam and Eve are now to live divided in a world from which God has distanced himself, and in consequence they are distanced from Him as well. In the invocation of Book 9, the narrator said that prior to the fall God would sit indulgent with humankind, â€Å"permitting him the while / Venial discourse unblamed† (9.4-5). Now the discourse with heaven is no longer be unblamed. The lessons given by Michael stand in contrast to those of Raphael as much colder and formal; Raphael would sit with Adam and Eve and partake in their meal, while Michael stands with full armour and lectures Adam. Michael also criticizes Adam’s judgment on numerous occasions, correcting him for misguided interpretation.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Is Media A Boon Or A Curse Essay

Is media a boon or a curse? Everything in this modern age is powered by media from the moment we wake up until we sleep at night. Have we ever asked ourselves how all of this affects our reasoning, our power to choose and our lifestyle? Since mass media is used to communicate and interact with people from various walks of life, it can often result in a conflict of opinions. The media, specifically in India, represents a convergence of paradoxes: tradition and modernity; anarchy and order; diversity and unity; conflict and cooperation; news and views; feudalism and democracy; the free market and monopoly. Mass media enjoys a very prominent role in our lives. Therefore, there are various effects of mass media on society at large. Mass media a boon? The wide reach offered by mass media is phenomenal. It can target both local and global audience. Over the years, mass media has played an important role in making people understand the meaning of democracy. We also come to know about the strengths and weaknesses of the economy of our country, the various problems faced by the nation, achievements of the nation in different sectors, through the prompt and precise reporting of different forms of media. In a country like ours, where there are many castes, religions and languages spoken, media has even more tough responsibility of conveying the true news to the citizens. Media plays a very important role in shaping the personality of people. It has been observed that citizens become more sensible and capable to shoulder their responsibility towards the nation and society because of the media. Media has done much good to society by exposing various scams, scandals, frauds, embezzlements and many other cases of corruption, leading to init iation of inquiries and other processes of prosecution against the perpetrators of these crimes. Some of the recent cases are witness that the Press has been instrumental in putting an end to atrocities. It has also brought to light some of the rustic practices like child marriage, dowry, etc., to light and has empowered women especially to come to the forefront and express their grievance. Media has not just become a form of disseminating information and entertainment but also the most trusted form of advertising. Millions of consumers and advertisers today receive a flood of information through commercial advertising. Recently, online media has become an improved modern method of  interaction. Its quick and easy access at the touch of a button has not only made media powerful but also helps in keeping us updated even on the move. Mass media can be used for educational purposes in an effective manner, and media is a boon for all age groups and people from different walks of life in many ways. They get news, views, and constructive information related to the subject of their c hoice. Mass media a curse? However, media suffers from some pitfalls; growing consumerism and materialism have adversely impacted our media. At times, the information reported may not be authentic from every angle. Hence, there may be a misinterpretation of a situation. News can be manipulated to influence the minds of the audiences. For example, a particular political party may manipulate reports in their favour, which would indicate the political control in the media. Media bias can occur due to various issues. A journalist or an editor may give personal preference to an issue. A particular event or a celebrity may receive undue importance and set wrong ideals before the youth. It may present an ostentatious lifestyle, which may inculcate wrong ideals amongst youngsters. Unnecessary sensationalism of an issue may project incorrect information to the public. There is the danger that comes when making money is more important than quality of information flow. It clearly hampers the honest and unbiased functioning of the organisation. Due to the rise in social media, we have become a population that is afraid to be ‘left out’ – we need to know things that really has no value, and, to a certain extent, we are at risk of filling our lives and brains with worthless information at the expense of meaningful dialog and interactions. Misleading messages may divert young minds towards a wrong path. Wrong interpretation of news may even blow things out of proportion. This would create further unrest in any place or even violence in case of extreme situations. At times, a particular event or news item may receive too much attention simply because of the lack of important news or snippets. It presents a wrong notion before the public and clogs their minds with unnecessary information. Media strongly influences the minds of the people who read or view what has been published, so it is important for the publishers and publications to be careful and cautious in handling the inputs they get from their reporters. Media is a boon if it is socially  responsible, unbiased, non-political, informative and educative to the masses but not to a class alone. But, it is a curse if it carries information or coverage to sensationalise, create curiosity among the public, misrepresentation of facts at the cost of someone’s reputation. For long-term solutions, we will have to bank on the educational institutions to educate, train, groom and prepare the youth to be more discerning viewers rather than passive spectators or participants in order to avoid any irresponsible influence or working of the media.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Traits That Belong To a Good Paramedic essays

Traits That Belong To a Good Paramedic essays In a time of crisis, when the good has been overthrown by bad, and Mother Nature has thrown her worst at us, paramedics are here to treat and rescue the ill and injured. There are three major components that make paramedics the one that people would prefer to be treated by: quick thinking, patience, and a strong stomach. Quick thinking is a trait not everyone may have, but this is an important essence for a paramedic. When there is an emergency paramedics need to be right on their toes. Things can deteriorate very quickly hence the importance for quick thinking. There is little time to ponder a situation. Action must be taken immediately especially in life or death situations. When someones heart stops, paramedics must be on top of the situation before a person reaches cardiac arrest, for too long and they suffer long-term brain damage or death. Another aspect is patience. Everyone has this trait but it varies in size from person to person. It is important to stay calm and remain. For example, a hyperactive patient may be difficult to treat when unintelligent questions are asked. In this, situation paramedics need to stay cool and collective and take very careful precautions so they do not send them into a further panic thus making any kind of treatment impossible to administer. The final aspect is a strong stomach. When disaster strikes, things get horrific and paramedics cannot get sick when things turn ugly. Situations can become grotesque: car accidents, stabbings, gun shot wounds, or even sick people. Part of having a strong stomach is also being able to keep your emotions under control and not getting attached to your victims. Especially if they die or you are with a hysterical spouse whose partner died. The three aspects, quick thinking, patience, and a strong stomach are traits that make a great paramedic. When paramedics are on call, not thinking, and lack patience, it leaves room for error and personal ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Hermann Hesse essays

Hermann Hesse essays Hesse became interested exploring how human mind works after undergoing psychoanalysis. He used, as subject of the story, having mental distress that leads to self-realization. The novel is about the story of the narrator named Emil Sinclair. It had been focusing Sinclair having disorder in his mind. He experienced working with his subconscious mind. It is a mental activity not directly perceived by your consciousness, from which memories, feelings, or thoughts can influence your behavior without you realizing it. It has been shown in the part where he dreamed of images or symbols that unable him to interpret that. Symbols and images are very important in psychology, specifically in the field of Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist. Intellectual development occurs in Sinclair in the entire story. Sinclair thought of the two worlds, world of light and the outside world or the forbidden world which has a bad image of a place for him. He wants to live his life according to what he likes. In the story, he viewed his world, especially at home, as good and godly place. The characters like Demian, Fran Eva, Pistorius and Beatrice are only his imaginations. He continues to have a life with these characters with him as he went through. Beatrice affects his life very much even though they dont talk to each other. Pistorius is a musician and became a friend of him. Pistorius has belief that someone has within him but is not aware of that. And then, he met someone like Demian who became his friend that helped him a lot like the blackmailing of Kromer to him. Demian left for awhile when Sinclair transferred to the boarding house, primarily to be independent. In this situation, I can see that so many things bother him that time that he cant think of Demian. When he needed help, he starts searching for Demian. Demian left him because of the accomplishment of his mission that Sinclair decides for himself and acts o ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Critique the Financial Analysis and Research Paper

Critique the Financial Analysis and - Research Paper Example and 122 in Canada. The company employs over 361,000 associates in the United States (Yahoo, 2013). In the U.S. there are about 5,000 department stores with combined revenue of about $120 billion annually (Target, 2012). In the U.S. the discount department store industry is highly concentrated with the eight largest companies accounting for almost 100% of revenues. Wal-Mart and Target are leading the pack. In this industry the main factors driving demand are consumer spending related to economic outlook and population growth. In order to remain profitable in this highly competitive industry driven by ever lower margins companies depend on efficient supply chain management, high volumes, effective merchandising and competitive pricing in order to maintain profitability. Target is following an industry trend of adding and converting major markets stores into supercenters which combine traditional general merchandise with a fully stocked grocery store to help drive store traffic, since c ustomers spend more on groceries more than any other product category (Hoover’s First Research, 2013). 2) There are significant business challenges in this industry which dictate the success of its major players. The industry is characterized by its dependence on high volumes and extremely low operating margins. In order to keep prices low the industry has a heavy dependence on imports in most of their key merchandise categories. In general terms gross margin percentages for discount department stores can be 10-20% lower than traditional department stores. Although there is also growing recent and resistance from communities that perceives giant discounters as a major threat to their local economy and small business community. In terms of economic growth for the industry it is forecast to grow at an annual rate of 1% from 2013-2017 (Hoover’s First Research). We will analyze Target Corp. for its fiscal year ended 2/2/2013 and compare it with the industry averages in terms of overall financial performance, financial ratio analysis and investment potential. In order to gauge the company’s liquidity we will analyze the quick ratio as well as their debt to equity ratio and compare it with the industry. We will look at the inventory turnover ratio to gauge operational efficiency and inventory management compared with the industry. In order to measure management effectiveness, shareholders returns and profitability we will analyze the price/earnings ratio, return on equity, earnings per share and net profit margin versus industry averages (Yahoo). Target Industry Average Quick Ratio .54 .50 Debt to Equity Ratio 91.53 67.6 Inventory Turnover Ratio 6.4 4.4 P/E Ratio 17.24 15.8 Return on Equity 14.84% 11.3% Earnings per Share 3.74 5.2 Net Profit Margin 4.17% 2.7 4) As one of the most successful discount department stores, Target must be extremely efficient in their operations in order to remain profitable. Target has a slightly higher debt to eq uity ratio compared with industry average. The company is effectively managing its levels of financial leverage in order to increase shareholder benefits and maximize growth and stock performance. By analyzing the company's quick ratio it demonstrates that the company has maintained an above average level of liquidity to meet their short and long term liabilities as compared with

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The abused Defense balances the justice system Essay - 1

The abused Defense balances the justice system - Essay Example This will result in the violent treatment which he will adapt against others who according to him are the reason of his stress. But in the end the only person who will suffer because of this attitude would be he, himself. As such people are unaware of the fact that their behavior and patterns are unsuitable; they neglect the point that they create problems for others as well as for themselves while seeking vindication in their aggressive and brutal manners. These people think that others always have spiteful intentions; they easily blame others because of very little or no confirmation. They think that their hostile and destructive attitude is justifiable retribution while others find it inexplicable. Such patterns become a major reason of rejection by others. Just because one has suffered a lot in past does not warrants his brutal and negative approach towards others. By adapting such behavior one only harms oneself and the people who are related to him either professionally or pers onally.He will think that all the difficulties in his life are either caused by of his surroundings or are because of the circumstances which he cannot control.